CALL FOR SOLIDALITY to the April 20 demonstration in Ukawa

We are struggling against the newest construction plan of the US base in Ukawa district, Kyotango-city, northern part of Kyoto prefecture. The base will serve the US Missile Defense (MD) network in East Asia.

According to the latest notification of the Japanese Defense Ministry, the US forces plan to start the actual construction of the base on coming May 2014.

Regarding this, we solicit you for your sending of short solidarity message to our April 20 demonstration in Ukawa. Message from abroad will encourage people in Ukawa and participants of the demonstration. The details are in the PDF file.

ENG Call for Solidarity.pdf
PDFファイル 63.7 KB


Stop the building of the new US base in Ukawa, Kyotango-city, Kyoto!

The following file is a document about the construction plan of the US X-band radar base in Ukawa district, Kyotango-city, Kyoto prefecture and people's struggle against it.

ENG on the new US base in Ukawa.pdf
PDFファイル 471.6 KB


Landscape in Ukawa and Tango Peninsula

Ukawa, where is located nearly top of Tango Peninsula, has very beautiful landscape. The followings are some photos of Ukawa and Tango Peninsula.



ACTIVITY: People march in central Kyoto to show their opposition against building of the new US base in Kyoto (March 21, 2014) 


ACTIVITY: 1,200 people surrounds the Kyotango city hall, demanding the withdrawal of the construction plan of the new US base in Ukawa (December 15, 2013)